CAMC encourages vaccination against COVID-19 to help save lives and stop the spread of this disease. The FDA and CDC have granted authorization of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11.

Hospitals across the country are continuing to see an increase in breakthrough cases. CAMC encourages all those eligible to receive their booster. In West Virginia, boosters are recommended for all adults 18+ who completed their initial series of shots at least five months ago for those who received Pfizer or Moderna, and at least two months ago for those who received Johnson and Johnson.

CAMC will continue to vaccinate its workforce according to federal guidelines for the protection of our staff, patients and community.

For information about US COVID-19 vaccine planning, how the vaccines work, vaccine safety and more, visit the CDC’s COVID-19 website.

For more information about the vaccine or the vaccination process in West Virginia, call the COVID-19 vaccine information line at 1-833-734-0965. Hours are Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed Sunday).

    BREAKING: COVID-19 vaccine approved for children 5 – 11

    Pediatrics Chair John Frohna, MD, Encourages Vaccinating Children


    CAMC Chief of the Department of Pediatrics John Frohna, MD, MPH, encourages vaccinations in children five and older. Both safe and effective, the vaccine has been approved for children between the ages of 5 and 11 and is readily available in the community. 

    Christy Robinson, MD, Explains COVID-19 Vaccinations in Children


    Pediatrician Christy Robinson, MD, explains the newly-approved COVID-19 vaccine for children 5 and 11, including its clinical trials, effectiveness and dosage.